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Reconnect with the earth and the vision of life.


Nature Quest is a prayer.

A time for the deepest questions of your being to unfurl. To be heard, held and known. It is an invitation to be in the mystery.


For a short time, we surrender physical comfort in exchange for deep presence. Allowing ourselves space to truly listen to the calls of earth and spirit; the language of our soul, a language older than words.


This is a place where we slip into the motions of forest life, while the pace of urban life is not so far away. With eagle and falcon; tall gums, quiet orchids and all the birds to welcome the dawn. This is Dja Dja Wurrung country. With respect for the Djaara people, the elders and culture, may each step on this land be one of gratitude and presence.


At it's heart, quest is a solo journey. Your guides will prepare you to spend four days and nights, solo in the forest. Fasting from food and all things familiar, you will carry only the bare essentials for shelter and water. What happens while you're out there is something we can not say.

Returning to basecamp at the end of your solo, we then enter into a time of guided rest and integration.



We hope to accommodate all who feel called to quest and welcome questions regarding accessibility, extra support needs or adaptations to the process which may assist your participation.


As well as the main program dates, we will also have two half-day gatherings on the land.(dates to be confirmed). The first of these will be a few weeks before the quest. A time to meet each other as a group and come together on the land. Together, we will begin to lay the foundations of the path leading into quest.

The second will be a few weeks following the quest and will be an opportunity to revive the energy of quest in our daily lives, by coming back together and returning to the land who held us. In the spirit of reciprocity, both gatherings will involve a short period of "hands on the land", offering some time to tend, love and regenerate this precious place.


Nature quest requires substantial preparation. If you feel the call to quest, feel free to be in touch with us as soon as possible and we can discuss what your next steps might look like.


There are LIMITED PLACES for this quest within the constraints of the location - so please register your interest early to avoid missing out.

There will be ongoing offers to quest in the months to come, trusting in the unfolding of all that is needed.


Arrive: Friday, 13th of May 3pm
Depart: Sunday, 22nd of May, 12pm

Program Costs:
Sliding scale* : $600 - $1500

Payment plans available

If you feel called and this cost is prohibitive, please reach out to see how we might assist.


Payment details will be sent when with a registration form when you contact us via email.



MOGGIE (she/her)
Living into the vision of life has become a way of life. First inspired by the journey of quest 7 years ago under the Lakota Woptura lineage, life has now become about remembering how to live .... with the mystery, with the natural world, and to live the part I am here to share, in service to all life. Always alive, always present on the path, the gifts offered in quest are like sign posts along the way. I am grateful for the mentors, inspired by original peoples, that have guided my path with Vision Quest over the last 7 years. My offering to those that quest is experience under both the Woptura and Stalking Wolf lineages, and the land upon which we will quest.


ROSIE COOPER (she/they)
Quest is my way of coming home, back to earth, back to myself and back to the conversation between my soul, the mystery and this place where I live. After my first quest in early 2016, I knew I had found my work. Over the following years I studied with Malcolm Ringwalt of the Stalking Wolf lineage and apprenticed with Claire Dunn (Nature Apprentice), while also taking a deep dive into a journey of solo quests.. The deeper we listen, the deeper we hear, the deeper we feel and are moved in the world. I believe that listening to and learning to trust our truest selves, is the highest act of service to honouring life.


IAN FLAVELL (he/him)
Co-facilitating youth and adult rite of passage (RoP) initiations in our Central Victorian community has led to my personal commitment to a culture of reconnection; midwifing others through their own passages, endings and beginnings at all phases of life, knitting individuals and community to their-selves, back to each other; to the Home-land beneath their feet.

I am pulled to guide Questers whilst crossing my own thresholds of mid-life; the empty nest, discovering unexpected gifts and challenges. My intention to be open; sensate, to care and be humble, to explore edges with passion; creativity; to share lovingly reflect my own eco-niche in this web of life.

I hold deep gratitude for the Quest mentorship offered to me by guides at The School of Lost Borders (USA), for my training in RoP with Arne Rubinstein in Australia, and for the varied and ongoing teaching offered by country, and the many Beings of this community.

Together they offer the basis for my own creative expression within this powerful ceremony.



To sign up for Nature Quest or to find out more, send me and email





* Payment by sliding scale means you pay what you can afford and is based on an honour system. The lower end of the scale covers the most basic costs of the program, the upper end of the scale allows us to cover some of the broader program costs. We believe everyone has the right to enter into this ceremony, regardless of how their bank account looks. So, we encourage you to pay from a place that feels genuinely giving and honouring of yourself and your means.
And we're happy to discuss it with you if that's helpful.

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