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These are held and guided sessions to explore what is truly present and moving in your being in the present moment. An opportunity perhaps to untangle the kite strings of your heart. 


Sounds vague I know, it’s hard to describe.


It’s like counselling, but a bit magic.


These sessions can be quite adventurous, we never know which turn you might choose to take, but every step of the journey is your own. There is no pushing or digging or goal orientation. The only orientation is you.


Sessions are one hour. By phone, video call or in-person.

Multiple sessions make for more fun.

Email for bookings.




Sometimes we can't do the work all on our own.


Sometimes we don't want to do it on our own. 


Sometimes we need someone else to keep a look-out, while we turn our awareness inside, to listen and feel the truth we are carrying.


Sometimes we aren't ready to do anything, but want someone to sit with us and look at the road ahead.


Sometimes we have become so familiar with overlooking that which is right in front of us, that we need someone else to gently ask if we really want to keep tripping over that coffee table with the sharp corners, or if maybe we want a hand to move it aside. 


Sometimes we just don't feel quite right.

Sometimes the magic of life feels stemmed.

Sometimes we feel we need to do something, but don't know what.


Sometimes we feel like we have no purpose/direction/integrity in life.


Sometimes we feel like we don't belong or can't find a way to 'fit' into this world.


Sometimes we feel things that we don't understand. 


Sometimes it feels good to ask for help, even if we don't think we need it.


Sometimes it's fun to take a magical journey through the inner-consciousness of our body.


Sometimes it's wondrous to just step in a see what happens.



I learnt this offering from Rebecca Altman and will be forever grateful.


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